Saturday, 18 June 2016


This is not going to be an especially readable blog.

It will afford me the opportunity to document my trajectory on an alternative career path: web development. I'm not seeking to entertain or educate. The most I can offer is an account.

Why have I chosen web development?

It appears to be something that I can (largely) teach myself from the comfort of my bedroom. I appreciate that, should I apply for a job, I will require a whole set of skills outside the actual technical expertise but, for now, that can wait.

Rather like writing, the proof is in the pudding. I can make products and I can show them to people. While that is no guarantee of paid employment I can nevertheless keep adding to a portfolio and increasing my prospects.

Technology is interesting. I know that's blunt, and a bit dull, but it's a creative industry (ideally) and that is something I need to be involved with (any creative industry). As jobs are becoming increasingly automated I would like to be in a position where I'm managing to find a place on a curve where I'm not going to be made redundant. The great thing about web design, for example, is that although there will be plenty of customisable sites the layman can use, they will not offer the uniqueness you could expect from a designer working from scratch.

The last reason is a little tenuous. I am truly concerned about the state of the world. People always will be. Climate change poses an insurmountable threat and is largely being ignored (by the majority). Arguably, tech would be among the first victims were the world to go tits-up (well apart from those living in the developing world, they tend to bear the brunt). Like philosophy, technology seems to be a privilege of civilisation. When I'm fighting off a horde of - uh - hungry people my knowledge of JavaScript is not going to save me. And nor, for that matter, is my appreciation of the finer points of Kierkgaard. Technology moulds minds and minds mould action. There are possibilities here.

This summary will do for now. It's not exhaustive. In fact, it's barely coherent.

One last reason for setting out on this path: I need to regain a sense of self-respect and autonomy. While my current employ is by no means lacking in such there is always the pressing feeling that I might be doing more with my life. I guess we'll see.

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