I'm going to lob some words at this page before I'm entirely spent of my ability to concentrate this evening.
I think I managed about 4 to 5 hours today, primarily on CSS. It all seems very sensible though it will take me a while to get to grips with what I would call a not-entirely-logical set-up. For example, I'm damned if I fully understand the distinction between margin and padding. As far as I can tell these terms are better understood if you take the a potential border into account. Up to the border you have the padding and separating the element from other elements beyond the border is the margin. A margin can be shared with other elements, padding cannot. I think that's right. I guess comprehension will be borne out in experience.
What I think I'm beginning to now appreciate is that with CSS you're not stating specific and absolute rules that apply to a static plane but working in a relative space where the relations between elements is of greater importance than specific location. This might not be a groundbreaking epiphany but stating it this way helps me make sense of it even if this is a provisional plateau which I will look back at and laugh derisively. On a side note, I'm noticing how the specific terminology of coding and the use of those words for the purposes of written language are bleeding into each other and how I feel that I need to keep them separate and how that is as easy as separating things that are bleeding into each other. I'm tempted to tag my prose.
Most recently I have been learning about media queries and in so doing have observed some anomalies in my work compared to the course tutor. It's pretty damn annoying but I'm at the point of exhaustion (not primarily caused by coding) meaning any further attempts will likely exacerbate the problem. I must be patient.
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